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The xat universe shows a live view of the public chat groups on xat. To visit a chat group click on its planet, you can navigate around by clicking on empty space and zoom in and out by clicking on the magnifying glass and moving it up and down. Click here for more.

'; ClearControl(); return 1; } function OpenGame(id) { if(id == 30006) { OpenSmilies(); return 1; } if(id == 30010) { OpenUniverse(); return 1; } divId=document.getElementById('media'); if(id != 20034) createCookie("LastApp", id, 31); //var h = 486; //if(id == 20006) h=600; var h = 600; divId.innerHTML=''; ClearControl(); return 1; } function ClearControl() { divId=document.getElementById('control'); divId.innerHTML=''; divId.style.display="none"; divId = document.getElementById('msgr'); if(divId) divId.style.display="none"; createCookie("LastApp", 0, 1); } function SetControl() { ClearControl(); divId=document.getElementById('control'); divId.style.display="inline"; if(divId.innerHTML.length < 10) divId.innerHTML=''; } function OpenMedia(str, nocook) { var divId=document.getElementById('media'); divId.innerHTML='

When Members put a YouTube, Veoh, Photobucket, MySpace Video or Yahoo Live link in the chat box the video thumbnail will appear on everyones player. Each person can click on the thumbnail to start the video.

To watch videos together, Moderators can press the broadcast button and the video will start on everyones player at the same time.

If you are watching a video and do not want to view broadcasts press the lock (key) button.

'; divId=document.getElementById('control'); var la = 10001; if(nocook == 1) la = readCookie("LastApp") if(str==0) SetControl(); else { ClearControl(); divId.innerHTML=''; divId.style.display="inline"; } createCookie("LastApp", la, 31); return 1; } function OpenByN(n) { if(n == 10001) OpenMedia(0); if(n == 10000) OpenDoodle(); if(n >= 20000) OpenGame(n); return 1; } function GetEmbed(vid) { vid = clean(vid); embed = ' 0 && sp[3] > 0) { w = sp[2]; h = sp[3]; } url = 'https://'+sp[0]+'.photobucket.com/'+sp[1]; embed =''; return embed; } else { embed += 'src="https://www.youtube.com/v/'+ vid + '&rel=0&color1=0xd6d6d6&color2=0xf0f0f0&border=0&autoplay=1"'; w=425; h=355; } embed += ' width="'+w+'" height="'+h+'" />' ; return embed; } function StartMedia(arg) { if(arg.substring(0,1) == 'L') window.location.href = arg.substring(1); else { if(arg.substring(0,9) == 'xatxatxat') arg = 'L'+arg.substring(9); divId=document.getElementById('media'); divId.innerHTML = GetEmbed(arg); } return 1; } function clean(str) { var bad=/[?{}"<>&:]/; if (bad.test(str)) return ""; return str; } function createCookie(name,value,days) { if (days) { var date = new Date(); date.setTime(date.getTime()+(days*24*60*60*1000)); var expires = "; expires="+date.toGMTString(); } else var expires = ""; document.cookie = name+"="+value+expires+"; path=/"; } function readCookie(name) { var nameEQ = name + "="; var ca = document.cookie.split(';'); for(var i=0;i < ca.length;i++) { var c = ca[i]; while (c.charAt(0)==' ') c = c.substring(1,c.length); if (c.indexOf(nameEQ) == 0) return c.substring(nameEQ.length,c.length); } return null; } function GoPoll() { if(readCookie("Poll") != 4) { createCookie("Poll",4,7) OpenGame(30002); createCookie("LastApp", 0, 1); } else {/* if(readCookie("MySpaceAd") != 1) { createCookie("MySpaceAd",1,1) divId=document.getElementById('media'); divId.innerHTML=''; // divId.innerHTML=''; //ClearControl(); // OpenGame(30000); } */ } } function GoLast() { var n; DoLang(); if((n = readCookie("LastApp"))) { OpenByN(n); } else GoPoll(); } uname='MegaNewVendas'; function DoReplace(id, from, to) { var i = document.getElementById(id).innerHTML; i = i.replace(from, to); i = i.replace(from, to); document.getElementById(id).innerHTML = i; } function DoLang() { var l = readCookie('Language'); var h = 0; var t = 0; switch(l) { case 'es' : h = 'Ayuda'; t = 'Cambio'; break; case 'pt' : h = 'Ajuda'; t = 'Troca'; break; case 'it' : h = 'Aiuto'; t = 'Baratto'; break; case 'tr' : h = 'Yardim'; break; case 'fr' : h = 'Aide'; t = 'Commerce'; break; case 'sq' : h = 'Ndim'; break; } if(h !== 0) { DoReplace('help', 'Help', h); DoReplace('helpb', 'Help', h); } if(t !== 0) { DoReplace('trade', 'Trade', t); DoReplace('tradeb', 'Trade', t); } } function getXY( id , X) { var i = 0; while( id != null ) { if(X) i += id.offsetTop; else i += id.offsetLeft; id = id.offsetParent; } return i; } function DoGsmilies() { var divId=document.getElementById('desc'); //var y = getXY(divId, 1); var x = getXY(divId, 0); divId=document.getElementById('gsmiles'); divId.style.visibility="visible"; //divId.style.top = y+"px"; divId.style.left = x+"px"; } //-->

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